Lagaffe et l'Eléphant - Louez les Animaux du cirque !Louez les Animaux du cirque ! - Des centaines de races disponibles: Eléphants, Lions, Tigres, Chameaux, Dromadaires, Kangourous, Serpents, Ours, Chevaux, Vaches, Chiens, Chats, Oiseaux, Buffles, Girafes, Autruches, Zèbres,... For a special evening, an event, a film shoot...


It's essential safety to have an animal used to the public, perfectly trained by great professionals, often tamers over several generations.

This service is always accompanied by a professional trainer. 
A whole menagerie or one animal, everything is possible. Wild animals or domestic animals. 
Trained animals or just on display. Possibility for special training.


Hundreds of breeds available: Elephants, lions, tigers, camels, dromedaries, kangaroos, snakes, bears, horses, cows, dogs, cats, birds, buffalos, giraffes, ostriches, zebras..
Hundreds of breeds available: Elephants, lions, tigers, camels, dromedaries, kangaroos, snakes, bears, horses, cows, dogs, cats, birds, buffalos, giraffes, ostriches, zebras..

The animals are all in line with the legislation, together with the work permits
and valid veterinary controls.

Arts France
BP 30068 - 77983 Saint-Fargeau - Ponthierry Cedex - France
Tél. : +33(0)1 60 65 27 27 - Fax : +33 (0)1 60 65 66 22 -

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